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Crypto companies are promising 10% interest on your savings in £ (GBP) or $ (USD) – here's what you need to know

What would happen to the stockmarket if you could return 10% a year without it – and never have to worry about down markets? We’re about to find out.

Harry Hamburg
Harry Hamburg
26 min read
Crypto companies are promising 10% interest on your savings in £ (GBP) or $ (USD) – here's what you need to know
Image source: Androidmarsexpress

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Just like with Terra and Anchor, this all ended in tears. It turned out those non-overcollateralised loans I wrote about in the risk sections were a very big deal and now it looks like Celsius is going bankrupt and BlockFi might not be far behind. I covered it all here: bankrupcy bingo.

I’ve really gone down the rabbit hole this month. But it’s been worth it.

What I’ve discovered could rewrite the rules of saving and investing, and become a new path to financial freedom for regular people around the world.

I’m talking about a way to earn 8-10% annual interest on your savings… paid out weekly, and without the wild volatility of the stockmarket.

To understand why this is nothing short of a revolution, we need to weigh it up against the conventional methods of saving and investing. Namely stocks and savings accounts.

But before we get too carried away, I want to make two things clear here.

1. This is not investment advice. I'm just reporting on what I've discovered, I'm not telling you to use it. I'm a journalist, not a financial adviser. (See the disclaimer at the bottom of this issue or my full disclaimer page for more on that.)

2. This is not risk-free. In fact, it could be very risky indeed. I will go over all the risks that I’ve dug up in detail when we get into how all this works.

With that baing seid, I think it’s definitely worth learning about. In the long run, it’s going to change everything.

So let’s get started.

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