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Terra Luna

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This week in crypto: I declare bankruptcy!

We finally got an answer to the $22 million question []: is Terra’s ecosystem sustainable? And the answer is: Source: CoinGecko []That would be a no then. A week ago, Terra’s Luna tokens were trading for $80, today

This week in crypto: I declare bankruptcy!
Members Public

How to make $168,142 in 48 hours frontrunning Coinbase

This week we’ve got news on Coinbase insider trading, Ethereum 2.0’s latest delay, the EU’s crazy new crypto law, VCs descending on crypto and more

Members Public

Anchor Protocol and the promise of a “sustainable” 20% yield on stablecoins

Is it impossible to maintain, a Ponzi, the work of the devil… or is it a map for the future of finance? Let’s find out

Anchor Protocol and the promise of a “sustainable” 20% yield on stablecoins